Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

I learned the hard way (see Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned) that having a Great Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan is vital to start the year off right. Additonally, classroom Rules set the tone for the whole year. I will explain the concept and benifits of an Assertive Classroom Management Plan. Also I will show how it can be used in developing Classroom Rules and Expectations.

Setting the Stage

Starting off the school year right is just like the starting a great play. You have to set the stage. Creating a good classroom environment involves setting the stage to establish clear expectations. Given that children often perceive the world from their own perspective, it becomes crucial to provide them with defined guidelines that serve as reminders of their responsibilities. Classroom rules and expectations do just that.

Assertive Classroom Management

An Assertive classroom management style is firm but fair approach. This means that it emphasizes clear and respectful communication. It is also proactive in addressing behavior. The teacher sets firm boundaries and expectations for behavior. However, it is done in way that is respectful to the students.

Key features of assertive classroom management include:

  1. Clear Expectations: This means that you must establishes and communicates clear rules and expectations for behavior in the classroom.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: When you see the behavior that you want, reward it. Don’t underestimate the power of a sticker or a note.
  3. Consequences: There will be times that students will choose not to follow the rules, and expectations. When this happens you should respond with consequences are fair and reasonable. These consequences are not meant to be punitive. Instead they are ment to be corrective, meaning they help correct the unwanted behavior.
  4. Consistency: Children thrive on consitancy. It can actually become a source of comfort for them. Additionally, it helps maintain a sense of fairness.
  5. Open Communication: Being assertive does not mean that you don’t listen. Instead you should listen to your students and addressing their concerns and needs when possible. T
  6. Proactive Approach: If you do not address a problem early it can grow into an unmanageable situation. Therefore, if you see a problem starting, it is best to address it immediately.
  7. Self-Discipline: You should also encourag your students to develop self-discipline and take responsibility for their actions. This also goes a long way to maintain an orderly classroom.
  8. Respectful Interaction: Teachers model respectful communication and treat students with dignity, promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Overall, assertive classroom management focuses on creating a balanced and harmonious classroom atmosphere where both the teacher’s authority and the students’ individuality are valued.

Creating Classroom Expectations

Your Classroom Expectations should be addressed within the first few days of school. Prefably, it should be done on the first day. I prefer to already have a list of highly detailed rules prepared. However, I also leave a blank section at the end. This is to allow my students to also tell me what the expect from me. This is a good way to show them I control the class. It also shows them that I respect them and their opinions also.

My Classroom Rules

When I created my class room rules I tried to be as detailed as possible. However, I was able to deivide those rules into 4 main categories. Those categories are; Respect the Classroom, Respect Others, Respect the Teacher and Respect Yourself.

My Classroom Expectations

Similar to my classrooom rules I was very detailed with what my kids could expect on a daily basis. Here are some of the issues that I addressed.

  • What to do When You First Come In:
  • The Schedule
  • Bathroom Breaks
  • Lunch Breaks
  • When You Are Absent
  • Due Dates and Late Work
  • What Do You Expect of Me?

What Do You Expect Of Me?

Finally, to show my students taht I respect them and thier ideas I ask them what they expect from me.


Highly detailed rules go a long way to creating a calm and orderly atmosphere.

Go HERE for my Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectations.

Have a thought, idea or suggestion? You can find me HERE

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