How to Recover When a Lesson Fails

How to Recover When a Lesson Fails

Every teacher experiences a time when a lesson fails. This does not reflect on you as a teacher, but how you do does. Sometimes, no matter how well you plan for your lesson, the lesson can just fall flat. However, these instances are not failures 

ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education with AI

ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education with AI

Table of Contents Introduction Well it is here, a new school year. Like most teachers, I am always looking for ways to make my life easier. ChatGTP is one of the best tools to do just that. In this article, ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education 

Innovative Teaching: The Best AI Tools for Teachers

Innovative Teaching: The Best AI Tools for Teachers

Although the world of education is constantly changing, it is becoming easier than ever to utilize new technologies. Now, more than ever, teachers have a great number of tools to enhance the teaching and learning experiences. Among these tools, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have emerged 

A Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan

A Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan

I Teach 8th grade. And as you can read HERE, I learned the hard way the importance of Classroom Rules and Expectations. This is a detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan that I now use. It is based on the Assertive Classroom Management style. When 

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

I learned the hard way (see Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned) that having a Great Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan is vital to start the year off right. Additonally, classroom Rules set the tone for the whole year. I will explain the concept