A Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan

A Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan

I Teach 8th grade. And as you can read HERE, I learned the hard way the importance of Classroom Rules and Expectations. This is a detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan that I now use. It is based on the Assertive Classroom Management style. When 

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

I learned the hard way (see Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned) that having a Great Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan is vital to start the year off right. Additonally, classroom Rules set the tone for the whole year. I will explain the concept 

Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned

Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned

Imagine a classroom where the kids come running in, some come in and sit on their desk. Moreover, there are constant disruptions. Many times the class is literally unteachable. You tend to spend more time with behavior issues than you do actually teaching. No one