Author: Roy

How to Recover When a Lesson Fails

How to Recover When a Lesson Fails

Every teacher experiences a time when a lesson fails. This does not reflect on you as a teacher, but how you do does. Sometimes, no matter how well you plan for your lesson, the lesson can just fall flat. However, these instances are not failures 

ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education with AI

ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education with AI

Table of Contents Introduction Well it is here, a new school year. Like most teachers, I am always looking for ways to make my life easier. ChatGTP is one of the best tools to do just that. In this article, ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education 

Innovative Teaching: The Best AI Tools for Teachers

Innovative Teaching: The Best AI Tools for Teachers

best AI tools for teachers.

Although the world of education is constantly changing, it is becoming easier than ever to utilize new technologies. Now, more than ever, teachers have a great number of tools to enhance the teaching and learning experiences. Among these tools, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have emerged as game-changers. They are reshaping the way teachers engage with students. In this guide, we’ll look at ten of the best AI tools for teachers. These tools have the potential to make teaching much easier. Additionally, they can empower both you and your students.

Bing Imager: Visual Learning Amplified

Visual aids have always been a cornerstone of effective teaching. Bing Imager makes creating images a breeze. With its AI-powered image search and recognition capabilities, you can easily find images that will bring your lessons to life. With Bing Imager, you can create amazing images just by describing what you are looking for. As an example, if you are teaching cell division you can simply tell Bing Imager to make a funny cell division image. You might get something like this:

EducationCopilot: Generate Lesson Plans & Other Educational Materials in Seconds is an amazing new tool for teachers. It is a versatile platform that simplifies the teaching process and enhances lesson planning. Copilot boasts an extensive array of meticulously designed tools. Among its amazing tools is an AI lesson plan generator. Additionally, Copilot provides a dynamic Quiz Builder. Also, it has a wonderful Writing Prompts generator. Copilot has many more fetures as well. Copilot is a virtual one-stop destination, empowering teachers to create and teach much easier than ever before.

WolframAlpha: Computational Knowledge Unleashed

Another multi-tool of AI tools is WolframAlpha. It is a great central location for complex mathematical equations and scientific queries. It also provides graph visualizations, and charts. Additionally, it provides huge amounts of data across a wide range of subjects. For educators, WolframAlpha is a treasure trove of resources to supplement lessons. It empowers students to delve deeper into their studies. Effortless Presentation Design

Google Slides is a tool that virtuall every teacher uses. Creating and using slides is a wonderful way to educate and inform your students. makes it much easier to create those slides. SlideAi is an extention that is installed on Google Slides. SlideAi transforms written content into visually appealing slides. This means that it saves you time. Also. it allows you to spend more time elevating the quality of your presentations.

Conker: Organization Simplified

As a teacher, you have to constantly make sure that your students are actually learning the information. Quizes are a great way to do that. This is were Conker comes into play. With just a little information, Conker can generate a quiz that you can use to expand on your own quiz. Also, you could use the information from the generated quiz to expand on your lessons. Conker is so quick and easy there is almost no reason not to use it.

Quillbot: Refining Writing Skills

Strong writing skills are essential for academic success. Quillbot does that so so much more. It offers suggestions for sentence improvement. Additionally, it helps by providing rephrasing, and vocabulary enrichment. This enabls both you and your students to refine your written communication. Integrate Quillbot into your teaching toolbox to foster effective writing habits.

Parlay Genie: Facilitating Engaging Discussions

Creating meaningful classroom discussions is an art, and Parlay Genie is your AI talking prompts. This tool assists in generating thought-provoking discussion prompts and provides structure for constructive conversations. Foster critical thinking and collaborative learning as you guide your students through engaging and impactful discussions.

Hello History: Immersive Learning through AR

History comes alive with Hello History. Hello History is app. It is a tool that uses AI to create a virtual reality. With Hello History, students are free to explore historical events. The students can text with famous historical figures that respond using AI. Therefore, students learn in a way that is completely natural to them. This enhances their understanding and appreciation of history through interactive experiences. This makes it one of the best AI tools for teachers.

Curipod: Tailored Podcast Learning

Curipod is an exceptional interactive tool for teachers. Within it, teachers have the ability to create polls, and slides. Also, you can us it for creating drawings prompts. Along with drawing prompts, you can use Curipod to create a game of “Would You Rather” or generate discussion questions. As a result, Curipod is an excellent resource to enhace any learning experience.

ChatGPT: Personalized Teaching Assistant

ChatGPT is probably one of my favorite and most used tools. Imagine having a personal secretary that can conduct research. Additionally they can proof read for you and improve your writing skills. That discribes ChatGPT and it does it all currently, for free. As a teacher, you can use ChatGTP to help you decide how to begin a lesson. You can also use it to help guide you to new soruces of information that you would have never thought of on your own. To use it, you simply type what you want it to do and then sit back and watch.

Conclusion: Navigating the AI Frontier

While navigating the educational landscape, these ten AI tools can help. Furthermore, by embracing these and other tools you can be at the forfront of this new era of teaching and technology. This article explored the best AI tools for teachers.However, it is important to remember that while AI offers incredible capabilities, it is your expertise, dedication, and passion that will continue to shape the minds of the next generation.

A Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan

A Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan

I Teach 8th grade. And as you can read HERE, I learned the hard way the importance of Classroom Rules and Expectations. This is a detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan that I now use. It is based on the Assertive Classroom Management style. When 

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

I learned the hard way (see Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned) that having a Great Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan is vital to start the year off right. Additonally, classroom Rules set the tone for the whole year. I will explain the concept 

Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned

Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned

A Great Assertive Classroom Management Plan: Lessons learned

Imagine a classroom where the kids come running in, some come in and sit on their desk. Moreover, there are constant disruptions. Many times the class is literally unteachable. You tend to spend more time with behavior issues than you do actually teaching. No one is happy. This was my class when I first started teaching and it was all because I did not have an appropriate classroom management plan.

What I Found

When I first started teaching I had understanding of classroom management. Before the class year started I tried learning everything I could about teaching. Every resource I found talked about how important classroom management was but none seemed to be able to give specific information about how to establish it.

One place said that you have to first imaging what you want your classroom management style to look like. Well, if you have never taught before how are you suppose to know what your “classroom management style” is? Another said to let the students create a Behavior Contract and they will be more invested. This one is pretty common and if done right can work. However, for it to work you first need to know what you want it to say and how to get the students there, this is not exactly easy for a new teacher.

Finding Out the Hard Way

Well, since my research didn’t help much, I decided to take another approach. These students will have been going to school for 8 years (at least) and every class has basically the same rules. Therefore, why do I need to remind them yet again about the rules? Instead I decided to show them respect and simply ask for respect in return. They are mature enough for that concept right?


When Things Go Wrong

I started the year by talking with my students. I told them that recognized that they understood what was expected of them and that I was going to respect that. Then I gave my students just three basic rules; respect me, respect others and respect yourself. I thought those three rules would cover anything that came up.

While this sounded great, it did not work. I did not understand the mental maturity level of the students. The average 8th grade student begins the year extremely self centered, only able to understand their needs and wants. This means that the concept of respecting others or me does not really register with them.

Because of this oversight and my in-experience I ended up with a class where students were fighting, and yelling at each other. They would also sit on their desks, throw trash on my floors and constantly find new ways to interrupt my class.

My time in the classroom was mostly occupied with managing disruptions and calming conflicts rather than focusing on teaching. Some of my students dreaded entering my class due to the persistent behavior issues. The feeling of being lost and overwhelmed weighed heavily on me, and I couldn’t shake the sense that I wasn’t adequately meeting the needs of my students. It became evident that a significant change was necessary.

Learning a Better Way

I spoke to my mentor and the teachers on my team. They all helped me realize that these students need rules. The students need structure. They need an anchor.

I got my first taste of this when my took the advice of my mentor to get my worst behaving class under control. I gave them rules. Not only did I give them rules but I gave them LOTS of rules. There was no freedom in that class. This was meant to be a long term solution but it was designed to get their attention, and it worked. It served to not only get them to appreciate the freedoms that I had given them previously, but it also helped me realize that they need rules.

The Take-Away

Eventually, that class often was more often than not my best performing class. They became very protective of their freedoms and they followed the rules to keep those freedoms. I had also learned. I was finally understanding the importance of classroom rules / expectations. This evolved into the classroom rules/ expectations that I use now.

This plan takes an Assertive Discipline Approach. This approach demands compliance from the students. This plan does not ever move into an aggressive style. instead, it requires me to be firm but fair. It not only demands respect from the students it shows them what respect looks like. It also shows them that I respect them as well.

I have included an article fully describing the Classroom rules/ expectation that I use here.

Please feel free to reach out to me either through Facebook or through here

NC Residency Pathway: Becoming a Teacher is Easier Than You Think

NC Residency Pathway: Becoming a Teacher is Easier Than You Think

Date: August 2, 2023 Becoming a teacher is a rewarding profession that shapes future generations. There are several different paths that a future teach can take. One of the most promising options is the Residency Pathway in North Carolina. This program offers an opportunity for