Month: August 2023

ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education with AI

ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education with AI

Table of Contents Introduction Well it is here, a new school year. Like most teachers, I am always looking for ways to make my life easier. ChatGTP is one of the best tools to do just that. In this article, ChatGPT for Teachers: Enhancing Education 

Innovative Teaching: The Best AI Tools for Teachers

Innovative Teaching: The Best AI Tools for Teachers

Although the world of education is constantly changing, it is becoming easier than ever to utilize new technologies. Now, more than ever, teachers have a great number of tools to enhance the teaching and learning experiences. Among these tools, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have emerged 

A Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan

A Detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan

I Teach 8th grade. And as you can read HERE, I learned the hard way the importance of Classroom Rules and Expectations. This is a detailed Classroom Rules and Expectation Plan that I now use. It is based on the Assertive Classroom Management style.

When I created this plan, I did my very best to eliminate any question as to what Is undesired behavior. However, you will also notice that I have included an area that the students can express what they expect of me.

My Classroom Rules

Respect the Room

  • Clean up after yourself.
    • Drop something, PICK IT UP. 
    • Spill something, CLEAN IT UP.
    • Move a desk or chair, PUT IT BACK
  • Do Not Throw anything!

Respect Other Students

  • Do Not belittle or pick on another student.
    • Because they did it to you first is not an excuse!
  • Be helpful
  • Do Not talk over others. THIS INCLUDES THE INTERCOM
  • If you make a mistake apologize
  • Leave other people’s property alone

Respect the Teacher

  • I will do my best to always show you respect and I expect the same in return.
  • Arrive on time and prepared to work
  • Do not talk while I am talking
  • Wait and Listen to directions
  • Do Not use my class to put on makeup or check your hair
  • Bring all needed supplies and be sure your IPAD is charged.
    • I probably do not have a pencil or paper and I do not have chargers
  • If you have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please feel free to share it (IN PRIVATE!)
  • Please ask questions! It helps me and others and can make the class more interesting.
  • If someone makes you mad, DO NOT give them the power to control you or your actions.
    • You are stronger and better than that.
      • It makes them look foolish. 
      • Usually, the person that retaliates is the one that gets caught.
  • Do your best! 
  • Be creative
  • Take chances – failure is often the best teacher
  • Don’t say “I can’t” 
  • Be proud of who you are 

Respect Yourself

  • If someone makes you mad, DO NOT give them the power to control you or your actions.
    • You are stronger and better than that.
      • It makes them look foolish. 
      • Usually, the person that retaliates is the one that gets caught.
  • Do your best! 
  • Be creative
  • Take chances – failure is often the best teacher
  • Don’t say “I can’t” 
  • Be proud of who you are

If you have a problem with someone please email me so that I am aware. Do not assume I heard or saw the incident.


What to do When You First Come In

  • Read the board for any special instructions
  • Take out any needed supplies
  • Put your bookbag in the designated location
  • Go to Your seat.
  • Begin work on your Daily Journal (you only have a few minutes) 

The Schedule

  • I have the Schedule on the board including Lunch and bathroom breaks. 
  • If there are any changes, I will do my best to let you know as soon as I know.

Bathroom Breaks

  • When it is time, you will form a line.
  • We will leave (as a class) as soon as everyone is quiet
  • Noise in the hallway disturbs other classes.
  • We will walk in a line to the bathrooms.
  • You will line up on your designated side.
  • 4 people at a time (This may change if problems occur.)
  • Do not use the bathroom as a hangout
  • No horse play – you are future high schoolers
  • The respect rules apply here as well
  • I strongly suggest that you use the bathroom when given the opportunity. 
  • Bathroom breaks that interrupt class will rarely be approved.
  • You are provided more than enough breaks throughout the day.

Lunch Breaks

  • We will follow the same procedures as the bathroom breaks.
  • Once everyone is done in the bathroom:
  • We will walk as a class and in line to the cafeteria where we will go to our designated location
  • Be sure to get what you want the first trip. Second and third trips to the line are not allowed.

When You Are Absent

  • Most assignments will be on Canvas, however, I will put anything we cover on the Calendar. 
  • It is your responsibility to keep up with any work that you missed. 
  • I will have copies of any recent handouts.

Due Dates and Late Work

  • Work is due on it’s due date.
  • Rarely will I accept work turned in late unless you are absent or have discussed it with me.
    • Late work makes grading harder on me and delays others from getting their grade.
    • Additionally, it is not fair to those that were able to meet the deadline.

What Do You Expect of Me?


This set of classroom rules and expectations is very detailed. This is done to to remove any question the students might have. It can also be used as a reference when a student goes against these rules. This group of rules and expectations serve to create a classroom that

Have a thought, idea or suggestion? You can find me HERE

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan

I learned the hard way (see Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned) that having a Great Great Assertive Classroom Expectations and Management Plan is vital to start the year off right. Additonally, classroom Rules set the tone for the whole year. I will explain the concept 

Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned

Poor Classroom Management: Lessons learned

Imagine a classroom where the kids come running in, some come in and sit on their desk. Moreover, there are constant disruptions. Many times the class is literally unteachable. You tend to spend more time with behavior issues than you do actually teaching. No one 

NC Residency Pathway: Becoming a Teacher is Easier Than You Think

NC Residency Pathway: Becoming a Teacher is Easier Than You Think

Date: August 2, 2023

Becoming a teacher is a rewarding profession that shapes future generations. There are several different paths that a future teach can take. One of the most promising options is the Residency Pathway in North Carolina. This program offers an opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to pursue their passion for teaching.

In this blog, we will explore the journey of becoming a North Carolina teacher through the Residency Pathway.

What is the Residency Pathway?

The Residency Pathway program recognizes that there are many people that have valuable skills and experiences but do not have a degree in education. The Residency Pathway program is designed to allow these otherwise qualified people to become highly skilled teachers.

From my experience, there are many teachers and administrators that entered education through the Residential Pathway Program. They tend to start with a higher level of maturity. Additionally, their past experience in the field that they are teaching lends them a high level of credibility with their students.

They tend to start their teaching career with a high level of maturity and are more relatable to the students because of their experiences.

Choosing the Residency Pathway

The Journey Begins: Choosing the Residency Pathway

For many individuals, the idea of becoming a teacher may seem unattainable or a leap of faith. This is especially true if they come from different professional backgrounds. However, if you have a true desire to educate and motivate the next generation then you can succeed. The Residency Pathway is one way that can help you reach that goal.

Why I Chose to Teach

I had been a law enforcement officer for 25 years. In that time, I meet nearly every professional goal that I had set for myself. For a large portion of my career, I was both an In-service and Firearms instructor. This is where I discovered my love of teaching. It was so rewarding to see someone do something that they did not think was possible.

However, my department was starting to change. Also, I was starting to lose my passion for the job. It was my wife that first suggested that I consider teaching children. She is an Elementary School Art teacher and is familiar with the Residency Pathway.

Like many people, I instantly loved the idea of teaching young people. However, I did not think that I had the experience necessary to become a teacher. Additionally, I could not understand why a school would hire me over a person with a degree in education. Even still, I decided to pursue this new and scary career change. I learned a lot along the way.


To qualify for the Residency Pathway, applicants must meet certain criteria. Some of those criteria include:

  • Have a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field,
    • Don’t let this scare you because “a relevant field” is very broad and leaves a lot to interpretation.
  • And have 24 hours of coursework in the area that you want to teach
  • Or complete a Praxis quiz for your chosen area of teaching.
    • If you know exactly what you want to teach and can afford it (it cost me about $150) then you can get a head start and take the test.
    • I have seen where taking and passing this before being hired will help you. I did not do this.
  • You must also pass a criminal background check.

That’s pretty much it. You can now apply to a local school

Permit to Teach
Permit to Teach

Permit To Teach

For me, the school district determined that my college education did not meet the 24 hour requirement. But that was not the end. I was given a Permit To Teach. This Permit to Teach spells out the various routes that need to be taken to become a fully licensed teacher.

This simply meant that while teaching, I had to pass the PRAXIS exam for my chosen field before the end of the school year. In my case, the PRAXIS exam was for Middle School Social Studies. Once I passed the PRAXIS I had to enroll in an NC Educator Prep Program (EPP). My school district refunded me the cost of the test.

I have 2 years to take and pass these college-level courses while teaching. The only difference between Permit to Teach and the actual Residency License route is when you take the PRAXIS. I had to take the Praxis BEFORE enrolling in EPP. In contrast, Residency Licensed teachers must pass the Praxis AFTER they finish the EPP.

Educator Prep Programs

Once I passed my PRAXIS, I was given a form called a Residency License Verification Form. The school district then gave me a list of approved Educator Prep Programs to choose from. I then contacted the school that offered the EPP program that I chose (East Carolina University).

Next, I enrolled in their EPP Program. I then submitted my Residency License Verification Form to the school. Currently, this program has one class per semester. This costs me about $613 per semester. I was able to set it up for payments of $122 per month.

Professional Development and Support

Professional Development and Support

These mentors are a great source of support and knowledge. You are also given various short professional development classes. These classes help teach various skills such as technology integration, classroom management techniques, and cultural competency.

Culminating Success: Earning Full Licensure

After completing the Residency Pathway, candidates may earn their full teaching license, becoming fully qualified educators in North Carolina. The process includes an evaluation of their teaching performance, demonstration of instructional skills, and a comprehensive assessment of their impact on student learning.


Becoming a North Carolina teacher through the Residency Pathway is an amazing opportunity. This program results in mature and highly qualified teachers that have real-world experience in their chosen fields. Having these experienced teachers in the classroom, helps students better understand how the class relates to the real world.

For some more tips please check out some of my other posts HERE.